Job Search Tips – Be Passionate I am an entrepreneur. My work is a major part of my life, and I love what I do. That being the case, I would never employ anyone not pa…
How to Write a Biography – And Why You Should! You’ll need several versions of your bio. Some should be in first-person and some in third-person. Start with your Personal Branding Statement, and make sure your text supports it.
The Sure-Fire Way to Achieve Your New Year’s Resolution for Your Personal Brand Want to know how you can be in the elite group of 8% that always nails their resolutions? Do it by crafting the perfect resolution – one that is so detailed and inspiring that you simply must see it to completion.
Personal Brand Management – 65 Power Personal Branding Verbs to Nail Your Executive Value Proposition Choose vibrant, precise action verbs for your personal marketing communications to sell your unique promise of value.
Job Search Tips – Find a Job through Using Google Alerts Use Google Alerts to research and help you write about specific target companies. They’ll be watching what you write using their own Alerts.
Use Google Alerts to Amplify Your Personal Brand Visibility Google Alerts help you keep an eye on market trends and opportunities, track target companies, and blog and tweet better.
Job Search Tips – How Volunteer Work Can Help You Find a Job Given the season, I thought this would be a good topic. Volunteering your services doesn’t just help others, it can help you too. An…
Personal Branding Demystified – What is Personal Branding? It’s no wonder people are confused about personal branding, with all the mediaspeak swirling around out there.
Interview Tips – 5 Ways to Brand Yourself in Your Job Interviews One of the most challenging parts of the job search process is breaking through the clutter and getting noticed by employers. This is esp…
Personal Brand Management – Review Your Personal Brand As the end of the year approaches rapidly and everyone begins to eye days off and long weekends, this is a great time to reflect… on bran…
Personal Brand Online SEO Case Study I have been talking for the past few weeks about how to get your name to the top of Google and how to seo your site to help you be found….
Job Search Help: The Hidden Job Market Over 80% of today’s jobs aren’t advertised. With 5 applicants for every job opening, finding the hidden 80% is essential.
Build Your Personal Brand on the Web With Our Site Builder A strong personal brand online must have a home base. This is a website that at a minimum describes the unique value you provide, states …
Build Personal Brand Online: 5 SEO Don’ts For the most part, when you start to create your website, your SEO strategy should be very straightforward. You want to make sure yo…