Social Media Success Stories: How Gwen Darling Got a Job via LinkedIn I hope that everyone is enjoying our interview series about professionals getting jobs because of their proactive use of social media! To…
Twitter Success Stories: How Mark Cummuta Got a Job Through Twitter To continue with our series on job seekers getting jobs through social media, I would like to introduce you to Mark Cummuta. I found Mark…
Your Personal Brand Online: How to choose a name to SEO for One of the most important steps in figuring out how to build a personal brand is determining what name you will create a strategy around….
Difficult Interview Questions Going into an interview can be one of the more stressful events that you have to endure during the job search process. During an inter…
How Involved is Your Personal Brand Online? To build your personal brand, you should proactively participate in conversations and blogs related to your field. How involved are you? …
Build Your Personal Branding Blog. It’s Recession Proof! Technorati recently published the 2009 State of the Blogosphere Report and man was it a year for blogging. “Since 2004, our annual study…
How Credible is Your Personal Brand Online? The hallmark of a credible personal brand online is the ability to create content that backs up your qualifications. How credible are you…
SEO Your Personal Brand Online Building your personal brand is one thing but if no one can find it your efforts have been fruitless. While many people go about th…
Is Twitter A Good Tool For Your Personal Brand? As you continually work to improve your personal brand, you are going to consider many social media tools to utilize. Along this jo…
How Visible is Your Personal Brand Online? The hallmark of a visible personal brand online is the ability to be found through search engines and social/professional networks. How v…
How to Hone Your Interview Questions Skills Interviewing is something that is going to take practice and preparation no matter how experienced you are in the job search process. Wh…
How To Get The Best Jobs After College! Are you getting close to graduation? Do you have any idea what career after college you would like? There are some lucky college studen…
5 Tips on Personal Interview Questions Responses Interviews are a big step in the job search process that I don’t think most job applicants put in the right amount of effort for how impo…
Build Your Personal Brand and Make It Work Social networking and personal branding have opened the doors to so many of us (me included) to connect with far too many people I wouldn…
5 Ways to Show Your Personal Brand in Your Interviews Here are five tips from career experts – Chris Perry, Angie Maizlish, Paula Caligiuri, Karen Burns and Jennifer Spencer – that I compiled to share with you on how to more effectively stand out in your interviews: