The 7 Deadly Sins of Personal Branding – Donts for Building Your Personal Brand
The 7 Deadly Sins of Personal Branding – Donts for Building Your Personal Brand. Everyone’s personal brand is different, even if by the tiniest subtlety. So, there are very few “sins” of personal branding that universally apply to all. But, I’m confident that the seven personal branding sins listed below can be applied to everyone – including you (but let’s hope they don’t)!
Develop Personal Brand: Networking Techniques for Introverts
Most people hate networking events. If you’re an introvert, you probably avoid them like the plague. But even extraverts can become introverts when faced with a roomful of people they don’t know. Networking is a bit like the medicine your doctor gives you: it may taste bad, but you know it’s good for you. Here’s how to survive networking.