7 Personal Branding Lessons From an Unlikely Source
Sellers at the farmer’s market face an extremely difficult task – with similar products left and right, each seller must somehow stand out from the rest to succeed. Here are 7 valuable personal branding lessons we can all learn from a trip to the farmer’s market.
How to Create a Searchable Job Resume Profile
While searching for employment, job seekers can improve their chances of being hired by being more visible on the internet. But being visible does not always mean being registered on every job portal imaginable; being visible means having searchable resume profiles that get noticed.
The Job Search Strategy, Reconsidered
While monitoring a lot of chatter on Twitter recently regarding the usage by companies of social networking to fill jobs, something struck me that I had not processed previously: not everyone is doing it!
But what does this mean for you as a possible job candidate? For one, don’t exclusively use social networking to find your next position. Yes, social networking is important to get you in contact with the right person/people within organizations. However, you still need to continue to use more traditional job searching tools.
Chris Perry: 10 Twitter Job Search Don’ts
If you search for tips on using Twitter in your job hunt, you will come across a lot of great resources for using this social medium and the plethora of complimentary tools and applications available to create your personal brand and connect with potential employers.
However, while there is a lot of information out there about what you can do on Twitter to advance yourself and your job search, I think it is important to be reminded of what not to do on Twitter, for it doesn’t take much to undo everything you have worked so hard to build.
Job Search Tips with Career Expert Katy Piotrowski
Piotrowski, who is the founder of Career Solutions Group, has more than 15 years in the industry. She recommends that new industry transition should start with a job seeker’s strengths. Research the industry and look for opportunitites that you might enjoy based on the job seekers likes and interests. From there, she recommends the job seeker laying out a clear plan prior to moving to a new industry. It can be overwhelming and devoting just five minutes to the future and focusing on one area to help staying or becoming more competitive.
Effective Immediately-How to Prepare for Your Entry Level Job
College prepares us for a lot of things. How to live on a tight budget, clean vomit out of a rug, rig up a beer pong table using everyday household items like MacGyver, oh, and even perform feats of math with no apparent real world applications and other questionably useful academic niceties.
Yeah, being a fresh college grad, I can tell you firsthand that this is what $200K in tuition buys these days. If you’re fortunate enough to be able to go work for Daddy Co. after graduation, this isn’t really a problem. Party on. However, if you are like most kids, you’ll be graduating into a corporate hierarchy in which you are an unknown, unproven, assumed-to-be-worthless entity. There will be expectations regarding how to interact, how to work, how to dress, how to cope with problems, and your diploma will not be able to help you here. Not an enviable position by any standards.
Fortunately, there is a solution to this issue, and it comes in paperback form courtesy of co-authors Skip Lineberg and Emily Bennington.
The Desired Outcome Of Your Personal Brand Efforts
Lately I have been very focused on outcomes. Not on objectives or goals, not on results, but on outcomes. My friends, colleagues and you readers have asked me what is really the difference and how is it related to my personal brand. I hope that I can clarify what I mean and help you with your brand progress by turning your focus to outcomes rather than objectives and results.
Build YOUR Personal Brand, Not a Bobblehead-Brand!
It is easy to hit the brain’s snooze button and mindlessly agree with everyone – especially with those in positions of authority (experts in your field, your boss, established media outlets). We blindly accept every order from management, leave positive comments on every blog we see, cruising around life like a sheep that can type. But you know what? Sheep don’t get anywhere. Neither will you if you don’t voice your own opinion and blaze your own trail every now and then.