Social Media Strategy: Navigating Twitter Chats & Hash Tag Fever
Twitter chats seem to be all the rage. They are a social event on using the concept of a hash tag (#). Hash tags historically have been a way to categorize tweets in topics, by conference, and other events held historically outside of Twitter. Attendees or social media junkies can view the twitter stream and view the highlights of an event by following the hash tag conversation.
Personal Brand Strategy – Brand Yourself Using Multi Channels
We often discuss Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, your resume, networking, etc. one at a time or maybe in pairs, but seldom is the whole picture described. Your brand is the sum of the all parts of the communication and information channels you use, and sometimes by the ones you do not use. Therefore it is essential to have a strategy for how to communicate in the different channels over time.
A New Way for Personal Branding – Use Geolocation to Build Your Personal Brand
Geo tools present a new and exciting way for users to network, develop relationships, engage a customer base, and build a brand within a niche community or ecosystem. Building a brand reputation, recognition, or relationship takes time and touches. Customers want to do business with a brand which is recognizable and has a solid reputation built on recommendations from trusted sources like their own friends and family. And with your personal brand, geolocation and tagging tools are another new facet of the marketing and branding package that sets you apart from the rest.
Job Search Tips – How to Use Twitter Lists to Find a Job
What started out as the new shiny e-toy is slowly going the way of the quickly forgotten fad. Twitter lists were and are an incredible tool and were hugely accepted when they were unveiled. However, most people, after setting up a few lists, moved on to another shiny toy without giving it much thought. But Twitter lists are still an ideal way to better organize followers into people of interest, sports related, city related, geography related and even a category for your career search.