4 Ways to Build Your Personal Brand as a Journalist If you’ve ever taken a journalism or communication class, you’re probably familiar with “the doomsday spiel” – newspapers laying off hund…
Tips for Job Interview: How to Ace Any Type of Interview You’ve heard it before: you need to be prepared when entering into an interview. This is the perfect opportunity to show your personal b…
Job Search Help: What To Do After Getting A Job Offer People tend to put so much emphasis on the job search process – the resume, the interview, what kind of job to look for, and how to get y…
TIPS FOR BUILDING YOUR PERSONAL BRAND IN THE FASHION INDUSTRY Yоu’vе рrоbаblу hеаrd the tеrm “personal brаndіng” аt least оnсе in thе past few уеаrѕ. And thаt’ѕ bесаuѕе wіth the rise оf the Internet …
7 Steps to Response to a Nasty Email and Build Personal Brand !–StartFragment– We have all received an abrasive email where the sender should have either picked up the phone or stopped by to discus…
Student Resume Samples: GPA or Experience – Which Counts More? !–StartFragment– The two major elements on your resume that represent you and your competency are your academics – your GPA – and your…
Branding Yourself Online: 6 Simple Secrets to a Well-Designed Website Understanding how to build a user-friendly site does not have to be a headache. By keeping in mind some basic formatting rules, you can …
Creating A Personal Brand: 4 Things To Learn From Corporate Branding Companies understand the power of branding. They spend millions of dollars a year making a brand promise to customers that goes beyond th…
Resume Preparation: Essential Resume Writing Your resume is arguably the most important item you bring to the table when it comes to applying for a job. The elements of your resume s…
Incorporate Your Personal Brand Building Into Networking Meeting new people is a part of everyday life. Some of these acquaintances will come and go, while others will stay prominent for longer …
Find A Job You Like: Why High Paying Jobs Suck Take a deep breath. This may be hard to take. I’m going to be completely honest with you. You deserve to work at a job you love. And th…
9 Tips to Boost Your Personal Brand Image Through Killer Writing Whether they’re right or not, people form impressions of your personal brand based on the way you write. It is time you take the neces…
5 Quick Tips to Strengthen Your Personal Brand Defining and expressing your personal brand is one of the most effective ways to take your career efforts to the next level. Here are…
Personal Branding 101: Why and What You Need to Know About Creating Your Personal Brand What is personal branding? Personal branding is the process of differentiating and articulating your unique value, and leveraging it a…