Your Personal Brand Assessment and Brand You
Last week, we approached brand-building from a humorous perspective. Hopefully, you had a few chuckles. Today, let’s spend a few minutes thinking about your personal brand in businesslike way.
With the combination of these two powerful tools–one for the virtual world, the other for the real world of work–you can take your brand assessment and begin building a stronger, more effective Brand You!
Assessing Your Personal Brand: Personal Branding Metrics
Keeping tabs on your personal brand and your reach are important when you consider your current strategy and what you need to revise going forward. Simple assessments of your personal brand are easy with a few tools to use each day that will allow you to gain a base level and easily track future progression.
Personal Brand Interview: Life Coach and blogger Jenny Blake
Jenny has worked at Google for four and half years, and is currently a Career Development Program Manager and coach. She also blogs at, where she provides simple, practical tips about life, work, money, happiness and personal growth. Jenny’s goal is to help people focus on the BIG picture of their lives…not just the details.
Social Media Strategy: Navigating Twitter Chats & Hash Tag Fever
Twitter chats seem to be all the rage. They are a social event on using the concept of a hash tag (#). Hash tags historically have been a way to categorize tweets in topics, by conference, and other events held historically outside of Twitter. Attendees or social media junkies can view the twitter stream and view the highlights of an event by following the hash tag conversation.
A Behind the Scenes Look at Personal Brand Building
As you have been working hard to brand yourself, you’ve likely done some research into the art of brand-building. In my daytime job, as co-owner of the marketing firm Maple Creative, I spend quite a bit of time building brands for companies, products, places and organizations. I thought it might be fun and helpful to take you behind the scenes of how it’s done in our shop.
Social Media Strategy – Old Tools in an Evolving World
I recently listened to an ERE social media presentation which was presented by Penelope Trunk. I thought the vast majority of the presentation was excellent, with great insight and interesting thoughts on social media as a whole.
I always try to leave a presentation with one or two items that stand out and leave me with something to build off of. In this case, I walked away with two topics on which I did not agree with Penelope’s feedback. Now I hope to provide you with my thoughts on the issues.
Personal Brand Management – When Your Personal Brand Outshines the Corporate Brand
As the concept and importance of personal branding, social media, and an online presence becomes more commonplace, companies are becoming more interested in their employees’ personal brands. Their concerns are legitimate. Here’s why. . .
Personal Brand Strategy – Brand Yourself Using Multi Channels
We often discuss Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, your resume, networking, etc. one at a time or maybe in pairs, but seldom is the whole picture described. Your brand is the sum of the all parts of the communication and information channels you use, and sometimes by the ones you do not use. Therefore it is essential to have a strategy for how to communicate in the different channels over time.