Job Search Tips
TagInterview With Peggy McKee From Career Confidential: How to be +1 (With Video!)
Thursday I had the pleasure of having a phone call with Peggy McKee who runs the Career Confidential website. She had some great information not only for those looking for a job, but for those who are looking to better themselves in general.
The Job Search Strategy, Reconsidered
While monitoring a lot of chatter on Twitter recently regarding the usage by companies of social networking to fill jobs, something struck me that I had not processed previously: not everyone is doing it!
But what does this mean for you as a possible job candidate? For one, don’t exclusively use social networking to find your next position. Yes, social networking is important to get you in contact with the right person/people within organizations. However, you still need to continue to use more traditional job searching tools.
Job Search Tips with Career Expert Katy Piotrowski
Piotrowski, who is the founder of Career Solutions Group, has more than 15 years in the industry. She recommends that new industry transition should start with a job seeker’s strengths. Research the industry and look for opportunitites that you might enjoy based on the job seekers likes and interests. From there, she recommends the job seeker laying out a clear plan prior to moving to a new industry. It can be overwhelming and devoting just five minutes to the future and focusing on one area to help staying or becoming more competitive.