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Job Search Tips with Career Expert Katy Piotrowski

Piotrowski, who is the founder of Career Solutions Group, has more than 15 years in the industry. She recommends that new industry transition should start with a job seeker’s strengths. Research the industry and look for opportunitites that you might enjoy based on the job seekers likes and interests. From there, she recommends the job seeker laying out a clear plan prior to moving to a new industry. It can be overwhelming and devoting just five minutes to the future and focusing on one area to help staying or becoming more competitive.

A New Way for Personal Branding – Use Geolocation to Build Your Personal Brand

Geo tools present a new and exciting way for users to network, develop relationships, engage a customer base, and build a brand within a niche community or ecosystem. Building a brand reputation, recognition, or relationship takes time and touches. Customers want to do business with a brand which is recognizable and has a solid reputation built on recommendations from trusted sources like their own friends and family. And with your personal brand, geolocation and tagging tools are another new facet of the marketing and branding package that sets you apart from the rest.

4 Little Known Tools for Managing Your Personal Brand

Since reputation and the perception by contacts, clients, co-workers, and companies are so important, your online brand should be closely monitored so that you can quickly and immediately be alerted to any negative comments or perceptions. This will allow you to take action to clarify comments, concerns, or misrepresentations expressed or implied by others before they get out of control and permanently damage your brand. It can be a daunting task, but these tools are here to help: