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Build YOUR Personal Brand, Not a Bobblehead-Brand!

It is easy to hit the brain’s snooze button and mindlessly agree with everyone – especially with those in positions of authority (experts in your field, your boss, established media outlets). We blindly accept every order from management, leave positive comments on every blog we see, cruising around life like a sheep that can type. But you know what? Sheep don’t get anywhere. Neither will you if you don’t voice your own opinion and blaze your own trail every now and then.

Personal Positioning: Start-up vs. Corporate World—My Decision

For anyone, job hunting can be stressful, overwhelming and difficult. For those actively searching for jobs now, opportunities are scarce and the first job that appears remotely related to an individual’s interests is normally as good of a choice as one can hope for. But if you’re one of the lucky few given the luxury of choosing between several options, how do you gauge which job offer is right for you? Here’s some criteria that I examined this past week, when I was pitting two job offers against each other: