USA-People-Search Opt Out: Remove Your Info

Protect your personal details online. Data brokers & people search sites are sharing your personal info — our software finds and removes it. This lowers your privacy risks on the web. Try a free scan to see who has your info.

The data broker USA-People-Search provides easy access to personal information. This includes addresses, phone numbers, email addresses, aliases, relatives, etc. USA-People-Search has billions of data points from thousands of sources.

Removing your info is a very important step towards protecting yourself on the web. This helps to minimize identity theft threats, scams, spam, and more.

Remove your personal info from data brokers fast
Our tool finds and removes your info from 50+ sites exposing it online

The Opt Out Process

We put together step-by-step directions to help you manually remove your private info from USA People Search. Follow the instructions below.

1. Go to

usa-people-search homepage

2. Go to the bottom of page. Click “Do not sell my personal information” in the footer.

usa-people-search do not sell

3. Read through the instructions for removal. Provide your email address, check off both checkboxes, and click “Begin removal process”.

USA People Search will make every effort to prevent information from showing up again on their site. However, due to the nature of how the info is collected, it’s possible it can repopulate in the future (this is common for data brokers).

usa-people-search instructions for removal

4. Enter your full name, city, and state into the search bar.

usa-people-search engine

5. Go through the list of search results. Once you find your record, click “View details.”

usa-people-search view details

6. Confirm this is your record. Click “Remove record.”

usa-people-search remove record

7. A confirmation email will be sent to the provided email address. Check your email.

usa-people-search confirmation email

8. Click the provided link in the body of the email to finalize the removal.

usa-people-search click here to remove

9. Your removal request is accepted. It can take up to 72 hours to process.

If your information is still up after a few days, try contacting their support team to followup. There may be multiple records. This requires going through the removal process for each record.

usa-people-search request accepted

Remember, this only removes your info from USA-Peopl-Search. It is located on other data brokers on the web. You can go through each site’s removal process or use our software to automatically remove the info for you.

Remove your personal info from data brokers fast
Our tool finds and removes your info from 50+ sites exposing it online