SearchQuarry Opt Out: Remove Your Info
Delete your personal info from other websites. Our tool finds and removes your info from 50+ of the most common data broker websites. Get a free scan now to see which sites have your data.
SearchQuarry is a people search website that allows its users to look up a wide range of personal information on individuals. This includes location information, relatives and known associates, criminal records, vehicle records, civil and court records, bankruptcy records, and more.
The website provides a fair amount to users for free with the option to upgrade for a detailed background report on any individual in its database. For many reasons (including personal security) many people prefer to have their information removed from SearchQuarry entirely and blocked from public view.
We put together this quick guide to show you how.
How to Opt Out of SearchQuarry.com
Follow the steps outlined below to remove your personal information from Search Quarry’s website and database.
1. Go to Searchquarry.com.

2. Scroll to the footer and click “Do Not Sell My Info.”

3. Enter your first name, last name, city and state into the opt out form. Then click “Submit.”

4. Find your information from the list of records. Mark the checkbox to select the record.

5. Click the “Remove Data” button to the right of the listing.

6. Enter a valid email address and an optional comment. Solve the reCAPTCHA and click “Submit.”

7. Check your email for a confirmation email.

8. Click the confirmation link.

9. This completes the process of submitting an opt out request to Searchquarry.com.
Searchquarry will review the request and process it accordingly. They may follow up requesting additional information so it’s important that you have access to the provided email address. It can take up to 30 days for the request to be honored. If after 30 days your information is still on the SearchQuarry website, follow up with the company’s support team.
If your info is on SearchQuarry, it is probably on a number of other websites. For this reason, we built a tool that helps you to quickly identify and then opt out of over 50+ data brokers that are exposing your information online. Get started with a free scan.
Search Quarry Cancellation
SearchQuarry offers a premium subscription that provides access to unlimited full background reports in its system. If you have an active subscription with SearchQuarry, you must reach out to its support team to cancel by using the contact form or phone number supplied here.