Opt Out & Remove Information from MyLife.com (2022 Guide)
BrandYourself’s Protect Private Info feature removes your name and personal info from 50 other common data broker websites that are exposing it online. Check it out here.
When was the last time that you googled your name? If you’re conscious of your online brand, search results for your name will vary from news articles and reviews to your website to social media accounts. But, if you’re like most people, you’ll find personal information like your home address, age and phone number listed on different sites when you search for your name online as well. “MyLife” is an information brokerage company that acts as a database of personal information about people currently living in the US. In this article, you’ll learn how MyLife works, and how to remove your personal information from this website by following the MyLife opt-out process.
What is MyLife?
Before understanding how a site like MyLife got your personal information, or figuring out how to remove this personal data from the site, you may be curious as to what MyLife actually is. While many websites are out there that aggregate this kind of personal information, MyLife is unique in a few ways. For starters, before MyLife became “MyLife”, it was actually called Reunion.com. This site was created with the explicit purpose of helping the general public (re)connect with past schoolmates long after graduating.
Nowadays, according to a report on Kryptoszene, Mylife is a US-based “information brokerage” website. This means that the site is a business that operates through aggregating and sharing personal identifying information about people. MyLife essentially gathers personal data about individuals through publicly accessible means (like public records and social media) to then create a “MyLife Public Page” and reputation profiles for just about everyone. MyLife synthesizes a vast amount of data that can include information like: an individual’s name, age, home address, work address, phone number, email address, employment history, academic history, pictures, family members, political parties, personal biography, reviews, and all kinds of other information. The site boasts an index of over 325 million people! So it shouldn’t be a surprise that you’re on it.
The website offers a free and a paid subscription model, depending on what the user is looking for. Additionally, the site offers a reputation ranker. MyLife claims that its primary focus is to make consumers safer and marketplaces more trustworthy by aggregating all of this information together in an easily accessible format. Users can then publicly review and comment on these pages. MyLife.com is identified as a social networking site, although its primary function seems to be to gather and share information as opposed to being a platform for directly interacting with others. MyLife.com emphasizes its role as a layer of protection for businesses and consumers.
How did MyLife get my information?
Now that you know what MyLife is, you are probably wondering how exactly all of your information ended up there. Well, the good news is that most of the information found on the site is publicly available, so nothing is available that couldn’t be accessed by just about anyone elsewhere. However, you may be surprised by the volume of information currently available about you (or your business) merely through public record.
MyLife.com accesses various databases and other public resources (think newspapers, genealogy websites, court documents, social networking sites, etc) to create a pooled public profile of people, businesses and other organizations. This information is similar to what you would find through a (very extensive) Google Search. It’s also possible that MyLife purchases profile information from marketing or commercial indexes. MyLife may use and discard some of that information then combine it with data obtained from other sources mentioned above. MyLife uses software that crawls the Internet for free content about people that has already been indexed by larger search engines. Commercial and government databases also provide a wealth of information for MyLife to flesh out their individual profiles.
MyLife automatically generates a page for every name in the US and acts as a centralized location for people to learn about that person based on their online footprint. The site also uses a reputation meter that calculates a score for users based on the information the site finds online and the kinds of reviews that others leave about you online. These reviews come from other review sites as well as from the reviews left on individual profiles. This reputation score is constantly updated to reflect new reviews and information coming in.
How to remove information from MyLife
While sharing personal information online is becoming more and more common, there may be some information that you’d like to keep private. By having information like your phone number, email address, home address, etc available to the public, you open yourself up to certain risks. From unending telemarketers, to junk mail, to stalking or even identity theft – the risks are real. That’s why it’s worthwhile to pay attention to what people can find out about you online. If you aren’t interested in having your information publicly available on MyLife, you have the option to remove it from the site. By creating a free account and joining mylife.com you have the power to edit what information other people can see about you on your profile page or request a MyLife opt-out. But keep in mind the fact that even when you edit your page on mylife.com, it’s likely that this information will still be accessible elsewhere online on the pages where this content came from originally.
When it comes to the review section of a profile, once you claim your profile page, you can delete anonymous reviews or reach out to reviewers who left unfavourable remarks. You can also contact customer service directly if any defamation, libel or hate speech is happening.
As you start the process of removing some personal information about yourself from the mylife.com website, it’s a good idea to use this as an opportunity to find where else this information appears online. MyLife did not randomly create information about you. Instead, it automatically pooled the information that’s already out there. With that in mind, use this as an opportunity to take a hard look at your online presence and get to work on any information that you want to keep private.
Start with low hanging fruit like pictures that you posted on your social media accounts. Maybe it’s time to remove certain photos or at least update your privacy settings. You can also opt out of having your name, phone number and address from sites like the whitepages and other databases by simply following the instructions on those sites.
Unfortunately the specific removal process varies by website database, so always consult with the specific site first. Additionally, it may be a good idea to use tools and resources to help you monitor what personal information about you appears online on an ongoing basis.
In addition to removing your name from MyLife and other websites like it, it’s a good idea to put some thought into how you want to present yourself online. By building a comprehensive online presence for yourself, you have the chance to shape what people can learn about you when they google your name. Use resources and services to help you create a personal website, and learn how social media can help you craft the online presence that makes sense for you. Following the steps to remove private information about yourself on mylife.com is only part of the equation when it comes to how you look online. The personal information that you remove should be replaced by content that you create and curate to tell the story of who you are.
But before you get ahead of yourself, make sure to follow the opt-out process described below. This is how to remove information from MyLife.
MyLife Opt-Out Process
To make sure that you are following the most recently updated protocol for removing your personal information from mylife.com, visit the website directly and look for this topic in the FAQ section. Currently these are the steps you can take:
- Visit mylife.com on your computer
- Find the search bar that is located in the middle of the page.
- Type your name (phone number, email address, or home address) in the search bar then hit “Enter” (or click the magnifying glass icon to the right of the bar).
- Review the results that come up for your name and find the entries that are related to you.
- If you have a very common name, you can filter these search results by, “States”, “City”, and, “Age”. Use these tools to help find the correct profile (or profiles) for you.
- Once you have located your profile, hit the button on the right of the profile that says, “This is me”.
- From here you will be prompted to Create a report. Do that, then follow the prompts to create a free account. Make sure to use an email address that is not your primary email address but a dummy account (an account that you use for junk mail that doesn’t possess any personal information about you in the name).
- Instead, complete the profile claiming process (you may have to verify the email address) of all profiles that pertain to you.
- Delete all information that you can, but if there are any membership fees associated with this process, do not share your personal payment information.
- To remove MyLife profile, you have a few options.
- Option 1: Call MyLife’s customer support team. They can be reached at, 888.704.1900 with operators available Monday through Friday from 6am to 7pm PST and Saturday-Sunday from 6am to 5pm PST. (NOTE: Keep your personal information nearby (ie name, age, birthday, email addresses, current and past mailing addresses, and the links to the different profiles that pertain to you). Make sure to keep a note of when you called, who you spoke with in case you need to follow up with any additional questions)
- Option 2: Email MyLife’s customer support team at either [email protected] or [email protected]. In your email, make sure to include a subject like, “Opt-out request for YOUR NAME” or, “Remove listing – request for YOUR NAME”. In the body of the email, make sure to state your name, age, birthday, current address and previous request. Include a link to your profile (or relevant profiles) and request that they remove your personal identifying information from their site and any affiliated sites due to privacy concerns.
- Option 3: Remove MyLife profile directly from the site. You’ll need to follow the prompts starting in the FAQ section with the question, “How can I have my Reputation Profile removed?”. Make sure to select, “Continue with removal” when prompted to eventually remove MyLife profile.
Now What?
Regardless of how you choose to request removal of your personal information from mylife.com, make sure to find out when you should expect to no longer see your information appear on the site and any of its affiliate sites.
Mark this date in your calendar so that you remember to follow up when the time is needed. If you are still seeing your information on the site, reach out to customer support and reference the date and means through which you submitted your request to remove all personal information related to you.
Additionally, you should make sure to put an annual or semi-annual date in your calendar to ensure that your information doesn’t appear on this site again in the future. Think of this as part of the long-term MyLife opt-out plan.
Keep in mind that mylife.com (and other information brokerage sites like it) pulls from other databases. This means that it’s entirely possible that your information could accidentally end up here in the future. Whether you manually check for this scenario, or use automated tools to monitor this, stay vigilant to maintain your privacy. At BrandYourself, our software now offers a “Protect Private Info feature”. This feature finds and removes your private information (home address, phone number, age, etc.) from over 50 popular data broker sites that are exposing it online. This helps prevent spammers, robo-callers, and identity thieves from finding your personal information on any of these sites.