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Personal Positioning: Start-up vs. Corporate World—My Decision

For anyone, job hunting can be stressful, overwhelming and difficult. For those actively searching for jobs now, opportunities are scarce and the first job that appears remotely related to an individual’s interests is normally as good of a choice as one can hope for. But if you’re one of the lucky few given the luxury of choosing between several options, how do you gauge which job offer is right for you? Here’s some criteria that I examined this past week, when I was pitting two job offers against each other:

Build A Social Media Resume Profile- How You Use LinkedIn Can Impact Your Job Search

LinkedIn is, by far, the number one social network geared strictly towards business professionals. While it is a great place to network, meet people, and find jobs, it is also your electronic resume. What users need to understand is that it is more than a business networking site. Your LinkedIn profile can go a long way towards giving you an edge in your job search. On the same note, it can also kill it if you aren’t using it correctly.

Job Search Tips – How to Use Twitter Lists to Find a Job

What started out as the new shiny e-toy is slowly going the way of the quickly forgotten fad. Twitter lists were and are an incredible tool and were hugely accepted when they were unveiled. However, most people, after setting up a few lists, moved on to another shiny toy without giving it much thought. But Twitter lists are still an ideal way to better organize followers into people of interest, sports related, city related, geography related and even a category for your career search.

Develop Your Personal Brand Strategy: 15 Must-Read Personal Branding Articles

Develop Your Personal Brand Strategy: 15 Must-Read Personal Branding Articles. When it comes to building a brand, there is rarely a “right” or “wrong” path that applies to all. Instead, it is likely a highly unique and personalized route that will lead you to success. With that said, allow me to provide an even wider range of viewpoints. Here are 15 recent personal branding articles from 15 great authors – some you might know, and some you might not.

Personal Brand Interview: Career-transition Expert Billie Sucher

Do a job because it’s right for you, not because someone else ‘picked’ it for you. Each job you hold is a stepping stone to the next, so do your very best to learn from each job and respect it while you’re doing it. Give back to something or someone who needs a helping hand. And when you feel like your river isn’t flowing in the right direction, I hope you will muster the courage to change course, sooner than later.