How to Use Twitter to Find a Job- An introduction to “The Twitter Job Search Guide”
“Of all the sites associated with social media, none may be more embraced or reviled, used or abused, comprehended or confused.”
The introduction to “The Twitter Job Search Guide: Find a Job and Advance Your Career in Just 15 Minutes a Day“, by Susan Britton Whitcomb, Chandlee Bryan, and Deb Dib, continues:
“What is clear is that Twitter is one of the most innovative and useful devices for job search and career management, and one of the tools least used by those who need it most.”
An in depth look at how to leverage Twitter for job search and to communicate your personal branding, this paperback should sit prominently on the book shelf of any serious job seeker, or anyone interested in healthy career management.
Along with explaining the value of Twitter over other social media, the book covers:
- Building and managing your brand on Twitter
- The art of following and being followed
- Staying out of legal hot water with your tweets
- Job search advice from recruiters, resume writers and career coaches
- Jumpstarting your network with Twitter
- Maximizing Twitter in just 15 minutes a day
- Using Twitter for job leads, feeds, and advice needs
- Researching people, positions, and places to work
- Finding and using the right APIs for you
The book wraps up with a long list of actual tweets from career experts, including me, offering dozens of how-to tips on using Twitter for job search, personal branding, networking, visibility, and credibility.
Here are just a few in the category “Connecting with Employers and Hiring Managers”:
@DaisyWright If you are job searching via Twitter, ensure your tweets contain buzzwords that hiring managers use.
@paulcopcutt What are your target hiring managers doing in their spare time? What do they tweet about?
@wendygelberg Older workers: Use Twitter to communicate your expertise and to offset negative age stereotypes; show you understand new technology & tools.
@twitjobsearch Search for jobs with TwitterJobSearch.com. It grabs all of the valid jobs from Twitter and makes them easily searchable.
@robynfeldberg Target ideal companies & find their recruiters. Tweet: “Top-ranking pharma sales rep looking 4 new challenge. Who does Pfizer’s recruiting?”
This book is a valuable resource loaded with knowledgeable career professionals to follow and learn from.
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Twitter Personal Branding Strategy: Get the Most Out of Re-tweets
An Executive Personal Branding and Online Identity Strategist for Job Search, Meg Guiseppi is a 20-year careers industry professional and one of only a handful of people worldwide to hold the Reach Certified Personal Branding Strategist, Reach Certified Online Identity Strategist and Master Resume Writer credentials – all recognized gold standards.
“I love my work collaborating with savvy senior executives and entrepreneurs who know where they’re going, but need help creating career marketing communications that differentiate their unique promise of value and position them to work their passion. My clients are typically c-suite, senior-level executives and rising stars.”
Find out more about Meg at Executive Career Brand, and by viewing her LinkedIn profile and following her on Twitter.