Lookupanyone Opt Out: Remove Your Info

Protect your digital privacy. We built an easy-to-use tool that takes the headache out of removing your info from the web. It finds and removes your details from 50+ popular data brokers. Start with a free scan of your digital presence to see what info the data brokers are sharing about you.

The website Lookupanyone.com is a people search website. Its database houses personal info on a range of individuals, including addresses, phone numbers, associations, employment records, and more.

Lookupanyone recently merged with a larger data broker. This expands the data broker’s database and the amount of information they have on you. Removing your info from this larger database is crucial towards protecting your privacy online.

Remove your personal info from data brokers fast
Our tool finds and removes your info from 50+ sites exposing it online

How to Opt Out From Lookupanyone.com

Follow the below steps to remove your info from Lookupanyone.com.

1. Go to lookupanyone.com.

The URL will redirect to the website of the data broker that merged with Lookupanyone.

lookupanyone homepage

2. Go to the bottom of the homepage and click the link in the footer, “Do not sell my personal information”.

lookupanyone do not sell my personal info

3. On the opt out form, enter your name, state, and email address. Then click “continue”.

lookupanyone opt out form

4. Go through the list of results until you identify the listing with your information. Click, “Remove this record”.

lookupanyone search results

5. Check the email you provided for a verification email.

lookupanyone email verification

6. Click the “Confirm email” link in the email from Lookupanyone.

lookupanyone confirm email

7. Your request has been submitted.

lookupanyone request confirmed

The process outlined above only only removes your information from the data broker that merged with Lookupanyone.com. Each data broker has its own unique removal process. Go through each data broker and complete their opt out process. Or, use our software to automatically identify and remove the listings for you.

Remove your personal info from data brokers fast
Our tool finds and removes your info from 50+ sites exposing it online