Truthfinder Opt Out: How to To Remove Your Info
[PROTECT YOUR PRIVACY]: Our Private Info Protection feature will opt you out of Truthfinder and over 50 other sites just like it, with the click of a button. Get a free privacy scan to see which data brokers are exposing your info online.
If you value your privacy you need to complete the Truthfinder opt out process. Truthfinder is one of the most popular people search websites out there. It shares the private information of millions, on a monthly basis. This includes birth and death records, possible relatives and relationships, criminal and arrest records, and more
This is all available to anyone with an internet connection, and the site is getting more popular each and every year. This makes opting out of Truthfinder absolutely necessary. If you don’t, other people will find your personal info.
Opting Out of Truthfinder Manually: Step-by-Step
If you would rather opt out of Truthfinder the manual way there are a few things you should know first:
- The process is going to be much longer
- If you find out your info is on other sites as well, opting out of those will take a while as well
- The ability for you to monitor the progress of your request is pretty much nonexistent, so you’ll have to check back periodically
If you’re fine with that and ready to get started, here are the manual steps:
Step 1: Click here to go directly to the Truthfinder opt out page.
While other sites require you to start from the homepage, Truthfinder has a specific opt out page you can use. If you’ve created a Truthfinder account in the past, clicking “Yes” will bring you to a login screen to continue the process. If you have not been a Truthfinder customer (which is more likely), then click “No”.
Step 2: Enter your name, state, and email address to locate the record you wish to remove.
Make sure you use the most likely combination of your name and state. For example if you lived in Wyoming for the first 37 years of your life and moved to Nebraska two weeks ago, start by selecting Wyoming.
Step 3: Find the record with your information in the list and click “Remove this Record”
Pay attention to this step because there will likely be multiple listings with the same name. This makes it surprisingly easy to select the wrong one. Read the available information closely so you get it right!

Step 4: An email will be sent to the email address you entered into the opt out form.
Confirmation is required to process the Truthfinder opt out request, so it’s important to submit an email address that you have access to. If you don’t see a confirmation email in your inbox make sure to check your spam folder as well.

Step 5: Open the email and click the “Confirm Opt-out” button.
This officially submits the request to remove your info from Truthfinder. It may take some time for the request to be processed by them. Expect to wait somewhere in the 3-4 week range.

Opt Out Of Truthfinder With Our Software
The easiest way to opt out of Truthfinder is by using the new feature we added to our software.
It saves you from having to spend time combing through the web to find what sites are sharing your information, then opting out of each. Instead, this all happens automatically at the click of a button.
Here are the advantages:
- It will opt you out of Truthfinder and over 50 other sites, which means you don’t need to torture yourself going through it manually (this saves you a ton of time)
- There’s no risk of running through the opt out steps incorrectly. A lot of these sites have awkward layouts that make it difficult to opt out
- The software will monitor the web going forward to make sure none of your information appears on these sites again
If this sounds like the way to go, these are the steps to follow:
Step 1: Head over to your BrandYourself account
We’ve added this new feature directly to our existing software. This makes it easy to find and keep all your online reputation data in one place.
If you haven’t created your BrandYourself account yet, here’s where you should go to get started.
Step 2: Navigate to the “private info” section
Go to the brand new “protect private info” area that we added to the dashboard. You’ll find it in the navigation bar on the left of your dashboard.

Once you go here the process will begin.
Step 3: Get started
Our software will automatically scan the web to see if sensitive information about you is on any of the most damaging sites.
Once this scan is complete you can initiate the Truthfinder opt out procedure by clicking the blue button on your screen. Once you’ve kicked things off our tool will take care of everything automatically.

You can return to this area in your dashboard to check on the status of your opt out requests.
It’s important to note that these opt out requests do take a little time (usually 3-4 weeks) due to the volume they receive. This is to be expected.
What’s Next
There are a couple things you need to keep in mind once you’re done, and they depend on which method you chose.
If you went through the manual Truthfinder opt out process:
- You’ll have to check back periodically to be sure that your info is off the site
- There are also a bunch of other people search sites that you’ll probably have to opt out of as well.
This might seem like a big pain, and it is. It’s the reality of the “no boundaries” world we currently live in.
If you decided to use our software to opt out of Truthfinder instead, you don’t have to worry about this stuff.
We’ll keep you posted on the status of all your opt out requests, and automatically submit requests to any other sites your information is on.
Here’s the link to get started with our software.
Are They Allowed To Do This?
This is one of the main questions we get when it comes to sites like Truthfinder. It doesn’t feel like a practice that should be allowed right?
This hunch leads people to go after these sites from a legal perspective. They spend time and money consulting with lawyers and trying their luck with shady consultants who say they can help.
Unfortunately all of that effort is for nothing.
Truthfinder isn’t breaking the law in any way with this business model. Everything is completely legal.
Here’s how:
Truthfinder pulls from public records to access and share your personal information.
Since these records can be accessed by anyone, the law doesn’t have an issue with sites collecting and republishing them on their site.
What’s In It For Them?
So why do these sites do this in the first place? What’s the point of Truthfinder collecting and sharing your personal information like this?
The answer is the same as any business. Money.
By having a large database of sensitive information, Truthfinder can display more ads and sell more subscription packages.
The whole reason this works is there are plenty of people who want to access this information.
It could be for legal reasons, finding an old friend, doing something malicious, etc.
In case you’re skeptical of how many people are actually interested in this information, here’s something that will help hammer this home.
Over one billion names are Googled every single day.
Sites like Truthfinder are a more in-depth version of what people find when they Google a name, and a lot of the time they show up in Google results as well.
There’s a reason why these sites continue to grow. The demand is there.
This is why it’s crucial to run through the Truthfinder opt out procedure correctly, and monitor the site to make sure your name isn’t listed anymore.