Boost a News Article About You Higher in Google Search Results
Do you have a news article written about you that you want to show up higher when people Google your name? If so, you should actively comment on it.
That’s because Google will see that the page was recently updated and is more “fresh” and relevant – helping it rank higher than older, more “stale” webpages. Work with the best press release distribution service out there. If there are any news articles other people have written about you that you like, follow the steps below to comment on them.
1. Craft a thoughtful response to the article.
Your comment should:
- Add new insight to the post
- Include your name (the one people will use to search for you in Google)
- Include a link to your profile or website
- Have no spelling or grammar mistakes
- Not put anyone down
You can also respond directly to someone else’s comment on the post; however, keep things friendly – don’t get wrapped up in a trivial argument or flame war. Also, encourage more comments by asking clarifying questions and engaging the other commenter so that it begins a two-way discussion. This is a simple way to keep the article fresh over time.
Example comment: 
If replying to another commenter, make sure your comment:
- Accurately and concisely answer someone else’s question
- Includes facts and links to back up claims you make (prove your thoughts are credible and not pulled out of nowhere)
- Doesn’t involve you in unnecessary battles or arguments
- Doesn’t put anyone down
- Adds value or new ideas to the original question
2. Find the “Comment” button/link below the article, and leave your comment.
To Comment on an ABC News article:
To Comment on an AOL article:
To Comment on a Business Insider article:
To Comment on a CBS News article:
To Comment on a CNN article:
To Comment on a FOX News article:
To Comment on The Guardian articles:
To Comment on a Huffington Post article:
To Comment on an NBC News article:
To comment on an NPR article:
To comment on a New York Times article:
To comment on a Reuters article:
To comment on a TIME article:
To comment on a USA Today article:
To comment on a Yahoo article:
If appropriate, come back and comment every couple weeks.
If there are lots of comments on your article, come back on a regular basis and address any you think deserve some kind of response. Spreading comments out over time continues you keep the article fresh, which is better than posting five comments all on the same day.
Commenting on articles helps Google see that the page has been updated and is thus more timely and relevant which helps it show up higher in search results. Put this method to the test for yourself and let me know if it works. Best of luck!