professional online image
TagPersonal Brand Management – Are You Undermining Your Personal Brand Equity?
To maximize your personal brand equity, you must be 100% intentional about the image you project. Granted, it’s totally natural to become frustrated, and everyone feels the need to vent from time to time. When you’re in that spot, reach out to a friend or family member and talk (or IM, DM or SMS) through your complaints on a one-to-one basis–not a one-to-many basis. If you want to accelerate your success, focus on being consistent across all forums… from real world interactions to virtual world posts. In today’s connected world, the boundaries between work and personal are blurred to a greater extent than ever before.
Your Personal Brand Image: 6 Tips for Professional Online Picture
If you want to distinguish yourself from your competition, putting a professional photograph of yourself online is a good start. People will remember your resume much better if they have a face to go with it. Here are some things to remember when having a photo taken, and what you should do with it once you get it.