Ola Rynge
TagThe Desired Outcome Of Your Personal Brand Efforts
Lately I have been very focused on outcomes. Not on objectives or goals, not on results, but on outcomes. My friends, colleagues and you readers have asked me what is really the difference and how is it related to my personal brand. I hope that I can clarify what I mean and help you with your brand progress by turning your focus to outcomes rather than objectives and results.
Personal Brand Strategy – Brand Yourself Using Multi Channels
We often discuss Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, your resume, networking, etc. one at a time or maybe in pairs, but seldom is the whole picture described. Your brand is the sum of the all parts of the communication and information channels you use, and sometimes by the ones you do not use. Therefore it is essential to have a strategy for how to communicate in the different channels over time.
Brand Yourself – How I Communicate Who I Am
Even if I am somewhat of a power user of social media, I still think that digital and printed media are secondary to the personal interaction. I bet most of you agrees with this, but even so I would still want to put emphasis on it, since it is very easy to rely on technology and not spend enough time on direct communication via either meetings, phone or video conference.
Personal Brand Management – Personal Branding & Corporate Branding
For the corporation, strong personal brands among the staff show the competences and strengths of the employees as well as the fact that they are interested and engaged in their line of work. For the personal brand it is great to have a network of strong brands around yourself and also to be connected to a strong corporate brand in your line of work.