Avoid Depression: Use Tumblr To Have Fun While Blogging

tumblr screenshotThe professional blog may sound  boring or plain. Many kids in college or just graduating don’t see the point in writing down their ideas, hopes or aspirations on the Internet for all to see. Young kids think of blogging as a free for all, ranting about their family, posting the most digusting pictures they can find or taking on anonymous people posting hurtful comments. The blogging realm should come off as neither a chore nor a private society where people can say anything without consequence. There should be a balance between the play and serious, which Tumblr can offer.

Quotes, Pics and Vids

Tumblr offers a range of posting options to make sure your blog is diverse. You can still choose to post text post after text post, but pictures, videos, audio, “chats”, quotes and more can be uploaded to your blog. With a wide variety of themes to choose from, you’ll feel like an individual in a community. Your Tumblr can be both professional and personal by adding different pages to your one main blog, as well–whether you want the more personal or professional side on display for all to see immediately is up to you. Regardless of how personal you allow your blog to be, it is still important to be concious of what you are posting–especially when you reblog from another user. If your Tumblr functions as both a slightly personal and professional outlet, language used, types of images posted and bits from your personal life you do share online.

The Ask Option

Perfect for a professional or business seeking input on a product or their quality of work, with just a click of a button after visiting your blog, the online universe can easily converse with you in a convenient inbox. As a user, you also have the option of allowing followers and other Tumblr users to “reply” to your post–meaning they can write a limited character response to what you have written, which will show up under notes and on your post feed. Just as others can easily communicate with you directly, you too can reach out to others and make some deep connections on the blogging site.

Feeling Uninspired?

There are millions of Tumblr users. If you’re at a loss of what to post on your blog, there are literally millions of posts going up on different blogs. Reblogging is always a fun and easy way to find people who have similar interests, to feel more like part of the community and to add some diversity to your own personal site. With people posting at all hours of the day from all parts of the world, you may find yourself getting sucked into the Tumblrverse and spending hours upon hours blogging every day. Do not be alarmed if this happens. Tumblr is your friend, only an enemy when you have lots of other work to do.

Blogging shouldn’t be boring or hardly interactive. You should have fun online, even when you’re looking to take your career and online presence to online levels. Though Tumblr can often seem like it’s more fun and personal than professional, it is an excellent outlet to make new connections and spread the word rapidly about your work and business. So, keep calm and tumble on!