Interview with Kerry Rego: Why Small Businesses Don’t Use Social Media

Kerry Rego ConsultingLast week I had the pleasure of speaking on the phone with Kerry Rego from Kerry Rego Consulting.  Kerry specializes in helping individuals and small businesses organize themselves as well as help them understand the technology that they need to utilize in order to stay on top of the ball.  Kerry’s company (with the catchy slogan, ‘even superheroes need sidekicks!’) ends up helping many businesses with social media since many of them don’t know how they can utilize it.  Since she has taught a lot of people about social media I really wanted to pick her brain about some of the obstacles that she has to over come with her clients.  Kerry told me that there were two main obstacles, “One is vocalized and one  is not.”  Here’s what Kerry had to say:

Fear- The Problem Small Businesses Don’t Talk About

Believe it or not, a lot of people are afraid of social media!  This is an understandable phobia for those that haven’t grown up with it- you’re talking to a large audience and could potentially set your company back if you don’t know what you’re doing.  Kerry continued that individuals are afraid of “doing [social media] wrong and looking silly online.  This fear of action causes them to not do it at all!”  One of the key things to remember is that you know your brand best!  When you’re building your brand online through social media just remember that most people don’t know what your brand is about yet, they develop a mental picture of your brand through their interactions with YOU.  If you make sure that you’re representing your company the way you want to then there is nothing to fear and much to gain!

Time Management- The Problem That We Love to Talk About

Kerry said that the first reason that small businesses give her as to why they can’t utilize social media is because they don’t have enough time.  Well let’s face it, none of us have enough time!  Small businesses especially have to realize that a social media presence is something you need to have these days.  Kerry said that this point really hit home with many of her clients when she would say something to the extent of, your return on investment from social media will be that your business will still be around in five years.

It was very interesting talking to Kerry and I enjoyed getting her views and opinions on social media and her experiences with them.  So just remember: you DO have time to utilize social media and social media is not something that you should be afraid of- fear of looking silly should not prevent you from trying!