Brand New Version of BrandYourself is Launching Today! What You Need to Know
I’m excited to say that our team is hard at work today releasing a completely new version of BrandYourself, which will make it even easier to improve your own search results. This post is a guide to all the awesome new improvements.
1. Submitting, boosting and tracking links is now easier:
We wanted to make sure you know where your important links rank and make it even easier to submit and boost them, so you can now do all that right from your home screen.
All the recommended profiles that used to be in the “Submit Links” tab in the past are now on your home screen – to reveal them, just click the “(+) View All” link and they’ll expand down.
If you see any profiles you don’t have yet, just hover your mouse over it and click “Create one.” We’ll give you step-by-step directions to create them.
To submit any other links that aren’t included in our recommended profiles, just paste its web address into the Smart Submit box and click “Submit.”
You’ll notice when you click into the Smart Submit box that we automatically show you suggestions of links to submit, including the top 100 Google results for your name. The best part: you can type keywords into the Smart Submit box (your hometown, your employer, etc.) to filter the suggestions and find links about yourself to submit.
2. All your most important info is now in your Report Card
To make it easier to see how you’re doing, we brought together your Search Score, your overall progress, and who’s Googling you into a beautiful Report Card.
To see your first page of Google results, it’s right there on your Report Card. Just click “(+) View First Page of Results” in your Search Score Breakdown section.
3. Learn even more about who’s Googling you
If someone Googles you and finds your profile, we can now tell you exactly who they are if they’re a BrandYourself user. If you want to remain anonymous when you visit another BrandYourself user’s profile, just go to your Settings and set yourself to anonymous.
We also added a new way to see the people who have Googled you: the “Personal” view. You can toggle between this and the old Table view by clicking the icon highlighted below in the Who’s Googling You section.
4. Editing your BrandYourself profile is now easier:
Now when you update your profile, the edit page will resemble your actual profile, making it much easier to edit. And thanks to your suggestions, you can now drag-n-drop your experience and education blocks to re-order them.
5. Earn points every time you do something to improve your results
There’s now a point system that tracks how much you’ve done to improve your results; the more links you submit and boost, the more points you’ll earn. You can’t redeem your points, they’re just a personal reference point as you do more and more to improve your own results. We recommend you continue earning points until your first page of results is filled with only positive results.
6. Let an expert improve your results for you with our Concierge Service
If you have a common name, a negative result you want to bury, or just don’t have the time to use BrandYourself to improve your results yourself, we’ve introduced a service specifically for you. Our new reputation management services assigns you a dedicated search expert who will manage your account for you, develop a custom strategy and do all the work to improve your results for you.
Call us at 315-565-1799 or email us and we’ll give you a free consultation about how we can help.
7. Questions or feedback? We want to hear from you!
If you have any questions or feedback on the new version, we want to hear from you! Don’t hesitate to call Patrick (our Head of Customer Happiness) at 315-565-1799, email us at [email protected], or even ask in the comments below.
Glad to see the continued improvements––I continue to be impressed with your platform. In today’s snap-judgment-world, personal visibility is key and every effort should be made to make one’s online image match their offline persona!
Tom McCollum
Thanks Tom, really appreciate it.
Pete, When you had asked for suggestions I think I sent a few of these along as well as a few others, Looks like you are moving and shifting with your customers which is great. I think the product is still missing some core futures but I am sure you are working on it consistently. Thanks for making the product better!
Chris Waldron
Hey Chris, thanks for the kind words! I’d love to hear what you think we should do next to continue improving BrandYourself.
– Pete Kistler
Pete, for one daily updates. Weekly does not help in the landscape today because as things are tested in the serps you get anomalies I track my front page daily, and two weeks BY had updated on the day their was a correction and it gives a false sense of where your links are ranking. If you dig my name out of your survey I think I wrote a few more things in it that may be interesting to explore.
Chris Waldron