How to Remove Docketbird Court Records Fast
Removing information from Docketbird is a simple process — we go through how to do it below. Are you dealing with other unwanted results showing up in search results for your name? Our experts can help. Schedule time to speak with a Reputation Advisor to get started or just give us a call: 646-863-8282
If you’ve been involved in a court case, you may be surprised to find that when you Google your name, a listing on the site Docketbird.com shows up. Unfortunately, this is a common reality with court documents and public records. Docketbird is one of many legal aggregator websites that post these types of records.
Fortunately for you, it is possible to get these listings removed. Compared to other websites and types of information online, sites like Docketbird have a process for removal.
Remove Information From Docketbird
1. Go to the listing that contains your information on Docketbird
2. Scroll to the bottom of the listing and click “Request Removal.”
3. Enter a Valid Email.
4. Select your removal option.
Docketbird will remove your information from its website for free. When a webpage is removed, it can take some time for Google to recognize these changes and remove the information from its search results. This is what we call “caching”. If you clicked on the search result, it would bring you to a broken link on Docketbird. In time, Google recognizes the page has been removed and subsequently removes the info from search results. Docketbird offers a paid option to expedite this process. If you have access to a Google Search Conole account, you can also speed up this process yourself by using the outdated content removal tool.
What is DocketBird?
Docketbird is a website that allows you to access federal court documents. It’s used primarily by lawyers and legal professionals. They offer a paid subscription for about $25 per month that provides access to the full database of cases and information. This includes the ability to search and download documents on nearly every federal case, find new clients, get alerts on pending cases, and even conduct remote depositions.
Although a majority of the Docketbird platform is behind a paywall, there is information that’s publicly accessible. These are the listings that are likely showing in Google search results for your name. They offer free access to nearly 1 million cases. You can search by case name and/or number as well as browse based on case type. This includes civil cases, criminal cases, bankruptcy cases, and appellate cases.
How does Docketbird get your information?
Just like many sites of this nature, Docketbird sources its information from publicly accessible court records and documents. It’s common for these types of sites to scrape federal and state databases as well as other sites that contain legal documents. Since the information is a matter of public record, what they are doing is completely legal.
How to remove your name and info from Docketbird
Having information on Docketbird related to a case you were involved with can be nerve-wracking. But, it doesn’t have to be permanent. It is possible to get information removed from Docketbird.
Our experts can help. Schedule a free, no-pressure consultation. They’ll look at your entire online presence, including the Docketbird listing, and provide a holistic game plan for improvement. At the very least, you’ll walk away with some actionable next steps for how you can start improving your personal online footprint.
Sites like Docketbird that have your information
If your information is on Docketbird, then it is probably on other places across the web. You’re not alone. With the prevalence of data brokers, local news sites, public records sites, and more, nearly everyone has information about them on the web.
Conduct a Google search of your name to get a sense of what’s out there. We recommend using the name that people will most likely use to Google you (like the name in your email signature). Also use a few different qualifiers, like your location and the company you work for. For example, Google “Your name + The Town You Live in” and “Your Name + Company Name”. Different results will populate for each, so it’s important to cast a wide net to fully understand what could be out there. Take inventory of where your information is as well as any other unwanted search results. Not all websites are equal so the type of website the info is on will determine your next steps for dealing with it.
Other Legal Aggregators
If your info is on Docketbird, then it is also probably on other data brokers. They all collect data from the same sources (and have even been known to scrape other legal aggregators). The most common ones in addition to Docketbird are Justia.com, Law360, Pacermonitor.com, Casetext.com, Courtlistener.com, Unicourt.com, and Trellis.law.
As with Docketbird, information on these sites can also be removed. Give us a call (646) 863-8282 and speak to one of our experts. They’ll be able to provide guidance on removing your info from every aggregator that you’re showing up on.
Data Brokers and People Search Sites
Data brokers and people search sites have exploded in popularity and prevalence. Some of the more popular ones include Whitepages, Mylife, Spokeo, Intelius, Truthfinder, BeenVerified, PeopleSearchNow, InstantPeopleFinder, and Nuwber. They are websites that house personal information on individuals (that’s searchable) including name, age, addresses, relatives, work history, education, income, criminal/court records, property records, purchasing behavior, and more. The type of information varies by site and many of the sites charge a fee for more in-depth reports. Regardless, it’s possible to find A LOT of information on an individual through these sites. Data brokers collect information through publicly available sources, one of which is court records. If there is case information about you on Docketbird, then it’s almost certain this info is on data broker sites as well. Unfortunately, based on the nature of data brokers, if your info is on one, then it is on a majority of them.
Don’t stress though — it is possible to remove your information from data brokers and people search sites. Each site has its own opt out processes that you will need to follow. This process can be time consuming so we created a tool that opts you out of 25 of the most common data brokers. You can learn more about that data broker opt out tool here.
Press, Government Websites, Complaint/review sites, and more
If you have unwanted search results that don’t fit into the above two categories, then removal isn’t usually an option. Your best option here is to actually suppress the unwanted search results farther down where it is less visible to people looking you up online (most people don’t go past the first page of Google search results).
The suppression process is pretty straightforward. You create and maintain positive web properties (personal website, social media, blogs, etc.) that will outrank the unwanted search results and essentially bury them. This process does take time but it is the best option for handling negative and unwanted search results.
Protecting Your Online Presence
Even once you remove the Docketbird listing, it’s important to maintain a positive online presence going forward. This process is actually the same as a negative suppression process in that you should be actively maintaining positive websites and professional profiles.
We recommend having at least one personal website and about 10-12 profiles that you control (LinkedIn, Twitter, etc.). If you’re able to populate the first page of search results for your name with these positive properties, it accomplishes a few things. First, it impresses and provides credibility for anyone looking you up. Second, it minimizes the effects of any negative or unwanted search results by providing a more complete picture of who you are online. Finally, it safeguards your reputation from something damaging cropping up in the future.
Having Docketbird court records show up for your name in search results can be surprising, but you have options for removing them. Take action as soon as possible so as to not allow the listing to have damaging repercussions.